Seniors Earn Scholarships
Several Highland high school seniors have recently been awarded academic scholarships at some of the outstanding colleges in the country.
Among them are Margaret Radin, who won a free education at Stanford University in the National Merit Scholarship contest. Another HHS senior Rosey Jeter, winner of the Firestone scholarship, was given her choice of the college she wished to attend. Pete Zimmerman and Murray Katz won General Motors National Scholarships. Pete used his to attend Standford.
Paul Brace and John Bednarik have each won scholarships to Wesleyan college as have Carolyn Montgomery, Billie Needham, and Eleanore Lewis to Eastern New Mexico University. Other winners are Nancy Babb to the University of Denver and Gene Allen to Rawlins College
Highland Student Contest Winner
Beth James, Highland High School student, won the right to compete in the state "My True Security" contest by winning the city contest Friday afternoon.
The contest sponsored by the U.S. Junior Chamber of Comrnerce and the Mutual Benefit life Insurance Co. of Newark, N.J., is a script writing and delivery contest open to all high school seniors.
Second place in the city contest went to Millicent Ruggles of Albuquerque High. Jack Ning, Menaul High, won third place.
Schools represented in the contest were Valley High, Rio Grande High, Albuquerque High, Highland High, Sandia High, St. Mary High, St. Vincent Academy and Menaul High.
Judges for the contest were the Rev. Paul Morell, pastor, Christ Methodist Church; Henry Kiker Jr., an attorney, and Ed Pays, a graduate assistant in the University of New Mexico speech department.
Judges for the contest were the Rev. Paul Morell, pastor, Christ Methodist Church; Henry Kiker Jr., an attorney, and Ed Pays, a graduate assistant in the University of New Mexico speech department.
The winner of the state contest, to be held April 4, will receive a trophy and a free trip to the National awards finals in Washington, D.C. in July.