The Emergency Scholarship Fund was created as a project of the Class of '59's 40th Reunion. Classmates' generous contributions resulted in a check in the amount of $1700.00 made out to Highland in December 1999. The school has sent thank you notes as those who made extra donations will know and we have received a copy of the form that is being used by students applying for funds. It looks just like what we had in mind.
For those unable to attend the reunion in September, what we had in mind was to provide a fund that could be used by students for whom a small amount of money could make a significant difference in their ability to continue to attend and maintain their academic standing.
(A letter from Highland High School about the application of the funds follows.)
It's our hope that we, as a class, will continue to support this project and that we will be able to interest other classes in participating. The Class of '60's organizing group has already expressed an interest in sponsoring the fund at their upcoming 40th.
Anyone who would like to learn more details about the Fund or who wants to make a donation at any time should contact Rusty Hiller, our money guy for the Class of '59's 40th. You can reach Rusty at 4134 Coe Drive NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110/ email
Many thanks to everyone for their help!
HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL 4700 Coal Avenue SE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108 Phone: 265-3711 EMERGENCY SCHOLARSHIP FUND
Ms. Carolyn Posey 987 Lynx Loop NE Albuquerque, NM 87122
l9 May 20OO
Ms. Posey,
Hope this letter finds you and the class of 1959 well! Attached is a summary of the expenditures for the highland Student Emergency Fund for the past year 1999-2000. Funds were officially available in mid-December of 1999. This report covers that period through May 19,2000. Since we are entering finals week for all students and our seniors have graduated, if another expenditure is made before today and May 25,2000, I will forward an updated form. Once again, we at Highland are very grateful for the class of 1959's contribution to the success of Highland students. The attached list is the list of emergency fund expenditures that were approved. Other requests were submitted and although they may have been valid requests, funds to cover those expenses were able to be secured elsewhere, from donations or other resources.
Please send our thanks again to the class members of 1959.
Lynn M. Kenneally, M.Ed. Site Coordinator, HHSC
Eartha Lynn, Principal Highland High School
cc: Rusty Hiller, Treasurer