'09 Reunion


Classmates, attached is the Schedule of Events for our 50th Highland High School Reunion. We hope it will stimulate memories of the event and motivate you to contribute photos and your own experiences.

Reunion Calendar:

     Date: September – Friday 25th, Saturday 26th, Sunday 27th, 2009

     Location: Albuquerque Country Club (Headquarters)

Friday: Sitting area (living room) for informal

Get-togethers during Friday

Women’s Get-together – at Carol (Culbertson) Hoffman’s home – hosted by Carol, Joanna (Boose) Gilbert, and Ann (Blue) Wolf (1:00 pm to 3:00 pm)

Golf for 4 to 5 foursomes @ approx 1:00 pm

Cocktails at the upper pool area overlooking
the golf course, backup – formal dinning room (weather) - (6:00 pm to 9:00 pm)

Roland De Rose has arranged for a trio to play (background music) for the event.

Saturday: Sitting area (living room) for informal
get-togethers during Saturday

Sit-down dinner in the banquet room
(7:00 pm to midnight)

Dancing to Jarrett Galbreth (Master DJ)

Jarrett Galbreth has an arrangement to produce sets of four CDs of “our songs of the 50’s” for sale for $25 per set.

We will have order forms available at the reunion.

Sunday: Remembrance Breakfast at Elana Gallegos Recreation Area at the foot of the mountains. Breakfast buffet.


If you have photos or recollections you would like to share, please forward to:

Mike Hanz – webmeister@hughes.net


Marty Clifton – mxclifton@aol.com